About Us

We Simon, Bob, Jeff started this business as a 3-person Fanuc CNC machine repairing & retrofitting team in 2005 named Jeffing parts, as that time, Taizhou’s manufacturing started to boom up and use many Fanuc machines.
At first, we just focused on fanuc parts and Mitsubishi parts repairing and replacing for local CNC machining and milling factories.
In 2008 we set up Simonbob company in Shanghai to export Fanuc spare parts to foreign customers with export license as after years contact, we had good source of Fanuc parts.

Since then, SB focuses on Fanuc CNC machinery parts & robotic arm parts selling in Shanghai China, while jeffing focuses on surplus or used Famuc spare parts buying, refurbishing and repairing.
We now have a 1000sm repairing line, mostly focus on Fanuc and Mitsubishi parts. and a 5000sm warehouse with 50,000 items regularly stocked and 27 workers. 11 sales. Covered Fanuc parts recycling, purchasing, repairing and refurbishing business lines.

Customers like us mostly is our quick quotation, quick dispatch and guarantee our warranty.
Customers now scattered in 119 countries.
Customers also warmly introduce us more customers and give us orders on other makers’ automation products.
We warmly welcome your cooperation and do win-win business together in this field.
Thanks and have a nice day!
Contact Us if you encounter any problem, we will troubleshooting and give advices.
If you want to sell your surplus or used or borken parts, please write us below also. But better there is a list with models, conditions and quantities. We will give good price to trade in. We recycle all the parts from any country of any brand all the year round, just write us.

For Simple question and quick communicating, you can whatsapp us.
Or Email us